Family Leadership Podcast

A Multi-Cultural Family Conversation with Wendell Jr and Amanda

Wendell & Tracy Episode 20

An American and Colombian walk into a coffee shop and 6 hours later, their story is just getting started.  When it comes to leading and raising a multi-cultural  family,  our conversation  with Wendell Jr and Amanda Murray is encouraging and endearing. They tell us how their different upbringings challenged them to communicate and make the adjustments necessary to be consistent, committed to truth and lead with purpose. Serving and leading not only their family, but those that come into their lives is an important value they hold close. 

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Wendell and Amanda Trascript


Wendell: Today we have really special guests and they're no, they're, they're not guests to us. They're kind of family. I know they are family

This is Wendell and Amanda Murray and, uh, you can figure out, figure it out that he's actually our son. Yes. And our daughter-in-law. Yeah. so how are you guys doing 

Amanda: good. Good. Looking forward to hear what you guys have to share with us. Yeah, 

Tracy: yeah. 

Wendell: Maybe what we'll share with you. Yeah. Right. So, either way, but, [00:01:00] , we're excited about you guys being here because for other, you know, because you're our kids, but but because you have a very unique approach to life and approach to, I guess, everyday life, because you're a blended culture.

And, uh, so we wanted you to talk a little bit about that first. You can kind of introduce yourselves and, and, you know, Tell us where you're from. We'll most people will know you where you're from but, tell us where you're from a little bit about you, you know, you've been married for a few years now, three years, almost three years, almost going on three years.

, but anyway, you guys go, 

Wendell Jr: okay. I'm sorry. Okay. well, my name is Wendell Murray, the sequel, [00:02:00] uh, yeah, I'm obviously, you know, everyone's familiar with you guys. So a lot of that is already known have, have, you know, five kids in the four younger sisters, uh, which I believe prepared me for marriage and just grew up in a Christian home and was, uh, in the church for my whole life and yeah, from Florida.

And yeah. What else? What else, what else? I can't don't think there's anything that's unknown. That would be something revealing as far as what you guys have shared versus what I could share. Yeah. Well, yeah. So, yeah, so yeah, we live in central Florida. 

Amanda: Nice, Amanda, I'm the Latino. Side of the, the family, [00:03:00] the only, the only Latina in the family.

and I came to the family. Yeah, it's gonna be three years in March. So it's two, two long years. And well, December is gonna be when we met three years and yeah, I came from Colbia in 2014. I moved with my mom and my little brother. I have two brothers I'm I have an older brother. I'm 34, my older brother is 37 and then I have a younger brother that is 22.

So there's a big gap there. And then I move here with my mom and my little brother. Then my dad came as well, like a year later. And then my older brother moved couple years ago, three years ago with his family as well. So we, I have my, all my immediate family here. They still have some family back in Colombia and have a lot of family here as well.

So we both have a big family around. 

Wendell: Yeah. Yes you do. [00:04:00] Yeah. yeah, and you have, well, let me put it this way. We have a grandchild that you guys are just, uh, you know, raising for us. Talk a little bit about 

Amanda: well, he's a sweet boy full of energy. He's nine months old and just amazing blazing in our life.

, we'll, we'll probably talk more about it later because he's, he's just, he give us so much joy and meaningful moments, but yeah, just he's he's our life for now looking for to keep expanding our family 

Wendell: too. Yeah. He's uh, he is, uh, almost walking. Yes. I gonna be long 

Wendell Jr: unless he started walking already didn't know.

Well, he's making like those stumble steps. Yeah. [00:05:00] And he's getting there and already, already kicking the soccer ball. 

Wendell: Yeah. So there you go. yeah, 

Amanda: he's half, half, half Colombian, half American. Yeah. And yeah, 

Wendell: he's a beautiful little boy. Yes. 

Tracy: Yes. He's got, he's got a lot, he's got a lot of, uh, great, uh, family on both sides.

Mm-hmm to just pour in and you know, to really enrich and to grow him. Right. So, uh, that's that's exciting. 

Wendell: Yeah. And, and along with raising him, I know that before he was born, you guys discussed how you want to raise him because Culture on both sides is really important. And to both of you all mm-hmm and you want to make sure that he, [00:06:00] he grows up in a really, a multicultural family.

And mm-hmm and talk a little bit about that, because it's a unique thing that you're doing, it's kind of cool. I I've never been in a situation where I've had to think that way, but right. Yeah. But uh, yeah. Talk a little bit about that. How you're raising him 

Wendell Jr: mm-hmm yeah, well we start with language, so Amanda's parents really almost exclusively speak Spanish only.

, her mom is very courageous, very uh, I can't think of the, the word I'm thinking of, but she's, she's learning and, and just really growing in her English, but there, but Spanish is really the first language on her side mm-hmm and , so we decided that Amanda's gonna [00:07:00] speak Spanish to Mathias and I'll speak English.

, and that creates a little bit of hesitancy from both of us, because I'm trying to learn Spanish. So I will try to speak things in Spanish, but I can't talk to him in Spanish because then he, then the, the theory is what with the language building is. They'll become confused. Mm-hmm they won't associate the right language with the right person and so on.

So that's one of the things we, we really uh, were committed to doing with Matias and whomever comes after him. Yeah. So, you know, on top of that, we want to be able to go down to Colombia and have him really experience firsthand Amanda's home and her culture so that he can have a better grasp of okay.

That this, I understand these certain little things, right. You can't [00:08:00] learn in a textbook. Right, so yeah, that's, that's kind of the, the, some of the practical, like everyday things mm-hmm , we're, we're really working on with him, things like you know, we're just trying to create an environment is as well, like this goes back to some things you've, you've spoke about in previous podcasts and just who you are, but kind of surrounding him with biblical influences and positive influences and just being very intentional with how we're directing him.

And, uh, yeah, it's, it's a unique. It's unique in the sense that there's two cultures, but it's, it's not in the sense if it's a child and there's a lot that goes into that if you want to do, uh, that well, mm-hmm , I don't know who is what you wanted to 

Amanda: add. Yeah, no, and [00:09:00] definitely, I mean, there is always cultural differences.

I think for the most part, we both are very family oriented. Yeah. Share a lot of the same values. Uh, there's a little bit of background there too, that I didn't grow up Christian and most of my family didn't grow up Christian. I mean, any of them, most of them are now Christian. And from the last 10, eight years, we all like gradually have came to Jesus and, and him as our savior.

But I mean, we grew up Catholic. That's one of the words that he Catholic Catholic, I knew it was misprounced, so that's one of the things that for sure, for us, not only it's important to, to integrate and make sure that integrate no, but more like give priority to, in the sense of, we want Christian values to be the center in our family.

, but also how did you explain to a kid where, [00:10:00] where mommy, when, when, what was the experiences she had to go through to find Jesus, all those type of things? I will I'll want him to also know the importance. Living a life with God, because I didn't, I didn't grow up in that way. I mean, I, I always had a relationship with God in a way, but it was very distant and it was very yeah, I don't think I really got to experience what it really meant to have him in my life.

It was more like something that you just see from from far. And yeah, so that, that definitely is something important for me that he really knows that God is the center and, and that he also can love and represent Jesus in the way that we, we we're supposed to, but accepting those that also maybe want to come to Christ and that they haven't met him yet because I was there before.

And I always want to make sure that that's part of what [00:11:00] we teach our family is just always been loving and acceptance the different backgrounds and the different and cultures. Yeah. Yeah. 

Wendell Jr:

Wendell: I want to dive into that a little bit more, but I want to backtrack on one thing real quick now, as Mattias is growing and he's learning, he's learning to how to talk learning language.

Is there a point in which you all then can like go from span Spanish to English back and forth? you know, after he's gotten to a point, you know, where he's beginning be to communicate, is that a plan?

Amanda: I, I don't remember exactly when, but I just know that I've been, I have been recommended and also I work babysitting families that were bilingual teaching them Spanish.

I see that once they're more cautious of, [00:12:00] uh, there are two different languages, like probably after five, six years that they start to understand the difference. Then you can integrate go back and forth. But the ideal is that in the beginning, if you want them to be fully bilingual, you have to, uh, try to speak only one language with the same person.

Right. confusions to avoid confusions because they associate your, your face, your, your environment with the language. Right. And so I, yeah, at least few years after the five first five years that he can, he can comprehend better. What's going 

Wendell Jr: on. I think after the few, like three to four years is not as critical.

If you mess up, it's not, I mean, there's room there to mess up, but right. Think, yeah, like I, Amanda, it says like fully it's like five-ish years, 

Wendell: I guess part of that is you'll know when that time is, you'll have a better sense of where he, you know, could be a little bit older, could be a [00:13:00] little bit younger, but you.

My guess is you'll kind of, that'll just kind of flow mm-hmm at no point and you'll know that it's okay to, to then kind of integrate a little differently, but right. You you're not there yet. So 

Tracy: no, and I think that he'll know. Yeah, he'll be at like, when he gets to that age where he recognizes, oh, like, you know, Amanda, your mother, like, you know, I speak Spanish to her.

Right. But to, you know, Papa, he speaks English, like that'll click in his brain. Right. He'll know it whenever that point comes. Yeah, exactly 

Amanda: I love strict either. Like I'm sure, you know, sometimes words, situations where I can already find myself speaking English and then say I'm sure we're gonna have to be flexible, but I really just want to be intentional because one of the things I have noticed when I, since I move here is that there's a lot Spanish speakers, uh, that have kids and they just choose to [00:14:00] speak English because it's the main language here.

Uh, but for me, it's a privilege to, and it's a, a way to always find him connected with his roots as well. And with my family, especially with my parents that still are struggling with the English. Yeah, yeah, 

Wendell:  Yeah. 

Tracy: I like that. I think one of the things that I'm really seeing, and I, I love hearing this because you guys have had this conversation, right.

You've talked about this, you've set this goal. You got this goal for your family, you didn't just stumble into it. You've had this conversation on where you want to be. Right. And so with that, then you've, you said, okay, this is where we want to be. This is the goal we want. This is what we want for, for Mattias.

Then this is what we need to do. Right. And these are the things that we need to do. So you understand that the boundaries. And so you now you're taking those steps and you've been intentional in that. Mm-hmm , I think that's really, really important, especially as parents, you know, [00:15:00] leading your family, right.

Because if we're not, you know, intentionally leading in those things, like you talked about Amanda, the, you know, to be able to share Jesus, right. To be able to you know, for Mattias to, you know, recognize that, you know, that God loves him and Jesus loves him. And that if he meets somebody who doesn't know about God, he'll be able to express that and to share that.

Right. And so these are intentional uh, plans or, you know You know, goals for your family, right. So you're already thinking about these things. You're already taking these steps, this intentionality to, you know, to go there, right. And to, and to you know, make that happen. And I think that's, I think that's really, really awesome that y'all are, you know, making [00:16:00] that, uh, you know, a a priority.

Right. Mm-hmm so because you know, things just don't happen. 

Wendell Jr: Right, yeah. He's not gonna take the initiative on his own. No, no. He, his parents have to do that. Right, right. That's , I think he's the commitment thing is important that we had to, we had to, like you said, sit down, decide we're gonna make this commitment.

This is important to us. Mm-hmm 

Amanda: right. Yeah. And it's also a big advantage in the work field, not only with the family, but also it is gonna open more opportunities and doors for him as well. So I just don't want to deny that opportunity because I was as intentional as I should or because I was tired, I know some people that consciously choose not to do it and I, I totally understand and respect that too.

But like I say, for me and for us, it's, it's really important that that 

Wendell: happen now. I, I think you're right. Yeah. I think there's so [00:17:00] much benefit in that for, for him, but for you guys too, and for the family. Yes. I mean, I think that's. 

Wendell Jr: Yes. I was gonna say, I've already used my broken Spanish a few times, so it's it's there.

You can, you can use it. and I may have may, may not given the correct directions or

Amanda: no, he is. He's doing amazing. I'm really proud in this, talking about the, the family is coming together and everything. That's been amazing to see his effort to mm-hmm to learn about my culture, learn about the type of food we eat, the type of music we like. And any, any area I think intentionality is the word.

Uh, I can see how he tries to engage with my family, even when he understands 5% of what's going on. and that for me, it speaks voles about his heart and how [00:18:00] willing he is to make our family really work. Yeah. 

Wendell: Well, your family makes it easy though. I'm sure mm-hmm got a great family. really, really great people.

Yeah. We enjoy being around 


Tracy: Absolutely. Absolutely. We didn't just get Amanda. We got, yeah, we got the entire it's fantastic. The entire clan, so to speak, you know, so we, we got, we got a lot we're we're so thankful for that. 

Amanda: Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Thank you so much. And I, I I think it's so beautiful to see how God works.

Like, I'd say my family wasn't Christian when we grew up and we are still learning so many things and, and we are loud and in that sense, we are the stereotypical Latino family. And yeah, we, can we always talk about that? No, like they, the communication, how I can see how my communication with my family have improved, certain things have improved [00:19:00] because of God.

And also, you know, you mature, you get, you get older that you are more cautious. Uh, I think my field also helped me a little bit because I study psychology in Colombia. And yeah, that, that also made me realize that there are things, there were things in my family that definitely were not perfect and that we all have a lot of room for improvement, but I adore my family and, and I can see the growth and that, and now seeing that same, like come to another family and you guys feel love and feel that they're special too.

Wendell Jr: That means a lot to me too. Yeah. 

Wendell: Yeah. And, and we do, I mean, oh yes. We feel like, we feel like hit the jackpot. Well, we hit 

Wendell Jr:  Well, we hit the jackpot, 

Wendell: we hit the jackpot but we feel like they've added so much to our family. 

Tracy: Oh, absolutely. So much value, 

Wendell: you know, just to, and to being exposed for us to be exposed to a [00:20:00] different culture, which.

We've been trying to do that for about 30, a little over 30 years now, intentionally. Right. And, uh, so now that we, we get to have that culture in our own family, it's a, yeah, it's a real blessing. And you mentioned, uh, growing up in Colombia, now, you, you grew up, did you grow up in Bogota or most of your life in Bogota?

Amanda: Yeah, so I was born in Bogota in then I moved like, and I was eight years old to Neva, which is another city, like hotter city, a little bit like different. And then from eight to 16, I lived there and then came back to Bogota and right. So, because my dad had used, my dad used to work in a petrole company.

Mm-hmm , we, he did it for like over 30 years we traveled and he traveled a lot and then we moved few times. So yeah, we, I grew up in different [00:21:00] environments, but overall, like most environments where non-Christian and right. Uh, with everything that you can think about the, all the implications to have and not having God in your life.

And, and yeah. Now, now the beauty is like, I can still see how in the middle of all that confusion or their noise of the world, my parents had always had the servant hearts and always had some values that were there, but. With got kind of found the meaning of it. Mm-hmm yeah. And really knew what that meant to us and how, why we do what we do and stuff like that.

So it's been beautiful to just see how after God, the before and after and how it was still growing a lot. And we still have a lot to learn and feel very blessed also to come to a family like this, because we have so much to learn from you guys and from Wendell Jr. But yeah, it's [00:22:00] been a whole process because the, the environments and the backgrounds we have are total totally different.

And that lead us to share experience and just give us a lot of perspective of, of life. 

Wendell: Now, growing up. Did you have people around you or a person around you that you really looked to, to learn about life, learn about you weren't, you didn't grow up in necessarily a Christian home, like you said, a Catholic home for the most part.

Right. But are there, were there people in your life that you now looking back, you felt like, well, I really learned a lot from them or they were, they were important in my life to teach me that I learned a lot about leadership, a lot about who I am. [00:23:00] Any of that from 

Amanda: I, when I first to think about that, uh, I, I find myself like having a hard time identifying specific people for a long period of time.

I will say I never had like a specific mentor or somebody who was always there in a way, my, my dad used to travel a lot and, you know, he did what he knew at the moment about raising a family, especially in our culture to provide. And you pro you know, you make sure that there's bread in your house and stuff like that.

But when it comes to the communication and mentoring and stuff like that, my parents didn't know that much about it. They, they grew up from parents that came from, from farms, from different environments where the, the level of education wasn't as high either, so I think all that, uh, play a part in me not having re or my siblings having a specific, like a structure or [00:24:00] mentorship.

 I can remember like different moments in my life when somebody's words or something mean meant to me because of there was, there was a boy, there was a, a need of me of having that guidance, So a class in, in, in college, in high school that it was the meaning in arts and the meaning of life, little parts where I start.

Oh, I like psychology. Mm-hmm , I like what the message about Victor, Frank, who was in the class, things like that, but never Victor. Frank, how do you pronounce

it? The same, the author. 

Wendell Jr: I'm not sure. That's vaguely familiar. I don't know. Okay. 

Amanda: Well, psychologist. Yeah. I'll I'll show I'll, I'll mention it later if I remember, but going back to my point I remember like a specific moment. And [00:25:00] also as a Catholic, I had moments where I knew there was God, there was something more meaningful.

There was something that I needed to, to seek, but never, never was clear to me. What was the path? Mm-hmm 

Wendell Jr: so, 

Wendell: wow. But God was still working. 

Amanda: Yeah, 

Wendell: totally clearly. Definitely. How about, uh, how about you Wendel? 

Wendell Jr: , I mean, obviously you guys you guys are very instrumental in just leadership and guidance, I think also throughout my.

Life, there were some people along the way, there was never really outside of family. There was never really a constant person, the [00:26:00] closest person that would be, would be Peter Lord just because he wasn't family, but we've knew him for so long. And he was our Peter Lord is, was the pastor of the church that I was essentially born into.

I believe you guys started at park avenue before that, right? Yeah, yeah, so, and, and then I was fortunate enough at the end of his life to, to sit under him, uh, as he was took a, he had a group of single men and that was his passion, uh, project essentially was mentoring, uh, young single men and getting them, uh, married off.

Yeah. That was what he wanted for us, but yeah, I think it was grandparents and there were a couple youth pastors here and there that were, they stood out beyond other people in my life who were [00:27:00] in those positions of leadership that really. It wasn't that it was specific words or like a moment. It was like an almost realignment of my heart and myself where you, they would speak into your life.

But it wasn't one thing. It was the consistency and the consistency was there. And it showed me in addition to what I was getting at home, thankfully was the consistency that was required in life and, and, and your faith, so yeah, I mean, and like I said, beyond you guys grandparents probably be the other, uh, very thankful that to most of my life had all four grandparents mm-hmm and a few great grandparents in there as well. 

Amanda: Yeah, so I was very blessed with that. As I hear, hear you talking or hear him talking, [00:28:00] I mean, of names come to my mind. Right? My grandparents, people that taught me like a specific lesson, like I say, but never was, I think never was Cons consistent or there was in the long run, and also I have to say, like once I came to Christianity, uh, that was like a year after I came to co from Colombia.

I came in 2014 and then in 2015, I was invited to church and in the middle of homes being still homesick, and I will say broken, there was a season where I was realizing there was a lot of trauma and healing that needed to take place. So the opportunity to going to church came very clearly to me. And then I found some mentors and some people that extremely grateful now grateful nowadays because they, they start modeling to me what being a single Christian [00:29:00] May look like and how I can receive acceptance and love from God, but also have a com a safe community there for me to support me in difficult moments and just, just all the beauty that can come from community.

Right. So I'm, I'm very grateful for the, for the church where I was able to connect for those years before I met him, because we probably wouldn't be here because if it wasn't cause of them. 

Wendell: wow. That's really interesting how the journey, both of you guys have gone through. And had to go through really yeah.

In some ways to find each other.  

Tracy: And you did. Yeah. And I think, you know, like just as you guys have shared it, you know, it is, of course life is a journey, but it's those people, right. That God brings into our lives, you know, and he uses them in different ways. [00:30:00] And I think some of the people that stand out are those that have those leadership qualities.

Amanda: Right, because they really served in more of a humble 

Tracy: they served with humility. Right. Yeah. And it was, you know, to serve you and to do whatever you needed. Right. Whether it was speaking into your life or helping with whatever. Right. And so I think those are moments that I would, you know, I would want for my own, you know, children and grandchildren to see, you know, and to, to live out.

Right, because again, those aren't things that just, oh, I feel like serving today. Right. You know? , yeah. That, uh, You want that you want that heart of, of being a servant, right? Mm-hmm to [00:31:00]serve others. 

Wendell Jr: So, yeah. And one thing that came to mind as we were talking, I think for me, that one thing that I had that was very unique was because we were so involved in, in more ways, in multiple ways in churches, uh, and ministries was, I was able for better or for worse to see behind the quote unquote veil and see the man behind the curtain.

And I mean, churches can be really great places and they can also be places where they're not run so well, or they're not, there's certain things that are lacking, but the, just the mondain  the Sunday morning church goer will never see. And I think being able to see that, but see the people who are, like I said, consistent servant hearted, really laying, uh, firm foundations for their families [00:32:00] and for their community on a, on a very, more, much more organic level and more real level that helped me growing up.

And, and, and multiple times in my life be able to, like I said, see that, uh, those qualities in certain leaders and people who may not have been in leadership positions, but were leaders because. Right. They were and who people looked up to. 

Wendell: Right? Yeah. And that kind of brings me to a, a, a question of thought, now you've got a child and you may have more. 

Wendell Jr:

Wendell: and how do your experiences that you've had over your life and now being married? Because you're, you're still learning about each other. You're learning, [00:33:00] , to serve the Lord together. You're learning about the Lord together. He's taking you through this journey together.

So how does that translate into how you raise your, your own children?

Amanda: For me, it's, it's important. My journey, because like I was mentioning earlier I mean, it's part of who I am. Like, I, I will say most of my. Counseling. And most of the things that I have been, I I've been able to give in this season, in my life it's been because of the experiences that I had before.

Mm-hmm . And that allowed me to empathize with people's pains easily or easy in, in a easier way and, and connect with, with people that are moving from another country. And they have no clue what they're doing here, or just people that experience any type of abuse or [00:34:00] trauma to different things that I went through.

Definitely I wouldn't change it in a way. There are certain things that, of course you, you would, you wish you knew certain things or avoid certain events, but in general, I will say it translates in, in a way that I want my son to be able to. Always see people and under, and, and try to see farther in understanding their pain, their experiences connected who, who they, who they are, uh, versus just labeling people.

Because we, we mentioned earlier there are stereotypes and, and they're there for a reason. They're a point of reference many times and we joke around them and everything, but many times stereotypes or racism or anything can really hurt people in a deep, deep way. So I think for me translates in a way of, as [00:35:00] an immigrant, being able to be part of the community and bring my son to it too, to love those people as well.

And also just in general, in general terms, I, I want my family to be built around serving others too. And, and I, I don't think I will be able to serve as I do without all the the good, the bad, and they all lead that. 

Tracy: Right? Sure. Yeah, absolutely. Sure. I love that. I'm so glad you said that because I think a lot of times, and you can probably attest to the conversations that you've had with other people in, in the work that you do, but, you know, People want to forget about their past in a sense that they don't want it to be a part of them.

Right. They want, they want to be something or somebody else. [00:36:00] But I think, you know, in that, like you said, God uses all of it. Right. Mm-hmm and that's your, that is your special vantage point that no one else has only Amanda has. Right. And only Wendell has. So you each have your, your perspective that God has given you, and he's given all this experience for you to then step out and serve from, right?

Yeah. So I think it's so powerful. It's an amazing thing that God does for us. If we, if we just allow him to. Right. And I think that's just beautiful that that is something that you want to model for your family. And you want that to be a part of your family culture 

Amanda: totally into that. Yeah. And I also adding to that too, I feel like one thing is learning about resilience.

And during, during my lifetime, I learned people that, you know, overcome obstacles and, and grew and, and [00:37:00] mature, but definitely. Finding loves God's love and transforming your life in a, in a deeper level. It's, it's something beautiful that I have been able to experience myself and I have seen my brother, my mom, a lot of people around me experiencing and, and seeing such a change in your, in the life.

It just makes you want to share that more with others too, and, and give the opportunity to others to also meet his, his amazing, perfect love.

Wendell: Wow. Yeah. That's awesome for you guys say something. 

Wendell Jr: Yeah, I think, well, I mean, ditto but I, yeah, so with our family and as we build the family just kind of like we were talking before, seeing those things and, [00:38:00] and also seeing, seeing how consistency in serving others and, and, and just biblical leadership is incredibly impactful and combining that with what Amanda just said and choosing to see people and kind of see everything about them, not just pick out one moment because you may encounter somebody who's just really mean to you, but you don't know what happened. Uh, just five, 10 minutes before, or even the day before for them.

So as we're building our family we just think about those things of just approaching everything with humility, but at the same time, really striving for knowledge and, and for truth and, and always [00:39:00] pursuing God. And it, it's interesting when I, I think one of the things for me that's been the not scariest, but the

only thing I can think to describe it, but realizing that you're no longer, only responsible for your own spiritual formation, you know, you have other people spiritual formation and for, you know, before Mattias was involved, it was both me and Amanda. And now that Mathias is involved now it's Amanda, myself, and Mathias.

And putting, if I'm not putting forth the effort, some like teaching Mathias, how to, how to talk to different languages. He's not gonna pick it up on his own. Right. And yeah, so that takes consistency once again, commitment and, and, and [00:40:00] Showing him and exposing him to truth and to just resources and people in our lives that have been made an impact to us.


Wendell: one of the things that I've seen firsthand with, with you all and him Mattias is he has a safe place. There's no doubt in his mind. And I know that was important for us raising you all to always have a safe place, because the world is, is bad. Yeah, and the other part of this is the other part of that is kind of, I think this is maybe what you're saying, but, but let me kind of throw this out at you is we always tried to not isolate kids, but to insulate [00:41:00] meaning, you know, isolate means they, you don't want them to be exposed to anything.

Yeah. Just keep them from everything. And, and that, that could bring harm to them later on in life. But by insulating them. They've again, they've got a safe place and it's not like you allow everything to come their way, but they have a, they have someone to go to. Yeah. Mm-hmm when they go through tough experiences.

So you're, you're insulating them from the, the real hard things that life presents us, so that's what that's been our philosophy, but I think that's kind of what you, you were describing. Mm-hmm is you want your kids to have a safe place and, and we've experienced it. Uh, Mattias is very happy. He's a, he's just an amazing kid.

He's you can, you can [00:42:00] see qualities from both of you all in him. Yeah. Mm-hmm uh, and even at his age, if he didn't feel safe, he wouldn't be 

Wendell Jr: that way. Yeah. Yeah. 

Wendell: Yeah. So, uh, I can see that's one of the values you guys have is to make sure you always have a safe place for your kids, your 

Wendell Jr: family mm-hmm , and, and another thing from, from you guys is a standard setting, a standard too, for the home mm-hmm mm-hmm and that's been something we've been, as we're progressing through different stages.

We're, we're setting those and, and, and everybody who comes to the home, I mean, it's been family, so it's not been. You know, there's no wild cards. yeah. Uh, but yeah, so we have a standard and, and, and we want, we bring people into that and that incorporates that safe, safe space from mats. 

Wendell: And we can see that too.

Yeah. [00:43:00] That's, that's pretty clear to us. Yes. 

Wendell Jr: You're doing a good job. Yeah. 

Amanda: thank you so much. But I think it's still a learning curve for me as well, because there are certain things that, uh, talking about the challenges with, with us and culture and communication is just, you know, the, the way that, because of the knowledge my parents had or didn't have the communication sometimes can be challenging know and, and talking over each other when you're talking and, and you are in a family reunion, you have been in most of, most of you already.

So you know, what I'm talking about. Yeah. Is just, everybody gets so excited and want to talk about each other and, and they don't even realize it because it's so normalized. And, and like that many little things that are normalized For me it's they were probably not even in my radar. Or would [00:44:00]you say yeah, radar before, before I was with Wendell, because before you knew, yeah, we're a little loud, whatever, but when you are in a relationship and you are in a family, you, you have a mirror there and you, you have somebody showing you, Hey, this is what out with this and watch I, your phone.

And, you know, my family jokes around a lot. And sometimes that, that, that sarcasm or jokes, jokes can be hurtful too. You know? So for me, it's been a process also to be very, very intentional in, in identifying what are those things that I don't want to continue doing and that I want to also share with my family.

Right? Yeah. It's also a bigger topic because of course, I know I'm not able to control them or I don't want to change them, but I want to show them too. What's important for my family and and put my boundaries too, you know? Yes, 

Wendell Jr: yes. 

Wendell: That is. I love that [00:45:00] really good advice. yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's that you you've nailed it on that.

, and that's good that you guys are doing that. You're forming, you're taking parts of how you were, you grew up your culture. Mm-hmm and you're, you're forming it into something very unique for you all, you know, you've learned the good, the bad, and you want to make it. What, you know, take, take it to the next level, I guess mm-hmm and, and, and something that, that you guys feel comfortable, that something you value.

Yeah. And, uh, that's, that's something, I think a lot of people skip when they're young marrieds and they're being they're beginning to grow their family. Yeah. And but I think that's a key to, to one of the, to one of the keys to success in a marriage. 

Tracy: Yeah. And taking responsibility. Right. Yeah. You know and not just going, well, this is what it is.[00:46:00]

Tracy: Yeah. Right. You know, and have that intentional, that, that communication, and it's hard. Right? Yeah. It's tough. You know, we have expectations. I mean, we still have it. Of course. 

Wendell: We're perfect. We don't have . 

Amanda: That's what I thought. 

Wendell Jr: Yeah. 

Wendell: You'll this is, it's a lifelong journey. Yeah. And, uh, the, the, the good news is, is you get to go through it together and, and yeah.


Tracy: it's an investment, right. So if you're willing to invest, you know, then, you know, with that investment. Come the dividends, right? The payoff, you know, sometimes, you know, the investment is long term, right? Like with raising children, you know, it's not a, it's not a, oh, I told you once not to do this and now the child's not gonna do it anymore.

It doesn't work like that. Right. And I mean, even with, you know, husband and wife, right. You know, you [00:47:00] ask about something, Hey, could you mind doing this? You know, or they forget, or I forget, or whatever, you know, you have to ask again, 

Wendell Jr: look at me. 

Wendell: I know you guys never 

Wendell Jr: deal with that. Yeah, no, 

Tracy: no, no. But yeah, just, you know, it, it's an ongoing thing.

Right. And it's just a constant investment in, you know, working through like San sanctification. Right. It's something with our relationship with the Lord. It, it's not just a, you know, oh, now I'm good. Right. You know, I've asked him in, you know, he's the, he's the Lord of my life and everything is just peachy.

That's not the way it works. So it's a process, right. We're being refined. And I think that's the same, you know, is the same type of thing within a family and a marriage and, you know, learning to lead learning to serve. Right. And making those investments that are lifelong, you know, I mean, sometimes the investments take a long time.

Sometimes they're little, you [00:48:00] know, Serendipitous moments where you just, you know, you get this little, you know, time and this little place, you know, and then that one's done, but it's just a constant it's a lifestyle. 

Wendell: Well, I think speaking of that, you guys, your relationship has been also very unique and challenging.

Not that you guys were challenging with each other, but you, you met just before COVID. Yeah. And then you got married. Yes. You were, you were planning your, your marriage. Yeah. And you know, the event and the place and all of that. And all of a sudden everything started shutting down and you couldn't do what, you know, you really wanted to do what your dream was.

Wendell Jr: , well, 

Wendell: some tell a little bit of it. We'll let hear words. Yeah. so, so talk about, talk about [00:49:00]that, not just that part, but kind of through it. Because you had to live through the COVID you had to, there was moving and other, other things. So yeah, just share a little bit about 

Wendell Jr: that. Yeah. We met interesting December, 2019 and , Well, I'll tell you a little bit that first date.

I, it was a long coffee date, how long it was about six hours. 

Amanda: , yeah, we just realized today I've been saying eight for some reason, sick. It felt like it felt no, because he finished at 8:00 PM. So I confused the nbers 

Wendell Jr: much and, and we didn't get any food during that time, so, but I, I just knew immediately that this was somebody [00:50:00] incredibly special and I wanted to, I wanted to get to know her more.

It wasn't like a sitting on the fence kind of thing. And after the second date, I told her exactly how I felt and yeah, it progressed pretty quickly. We really just also being a little bit older in our early thirties, you kind of have a better perspective on what you're looking for and, and what you are, are needing in, in your life and, and for a spouse.

And fast forward, we got married three months to the day that we met. And that was actually the first time both of our families met too, because we had been, of course, as you guys know planning to have both of the families meet and it had been something we kind of planning for a few weeks and then oh, this, this, this, uh, this virus is starting to spread across the west and so on and then realized we need [00:51:00] to figure this out.

So we got married, uh, the weekend before everything, uh, shut down, uh, Saturday and then Monday everything and the state of Florida was shut down. So yeah, we spent our honeymoon, I guess, just at home

Amanda: yeah, definitely. It was, it was very beautiful and, and chaotic at the same time, because like you say, when we met, it was. It was clear to me that, uh, he had the qualities that was looking for in the person. And after years of trying, uh, me, I met God in 2015 and that was 2018. And during that time learning how to date differently and, uh, what are the things that now were important to me versus what the, the ones that were before and all that process.

, so I try online dating back and forth. We'll close it and I will lose fade on it. [00:52:00] We met online mm-hmm and, and that day I went to the date. I wasn't even expecting much because honestly, I didn't have so much fade and, and meeting people anymore because usually we'll see the same things and the same things I didn't like, or, and didn't feel valued.

And since the first date or whatever. So it was very beautiful to just be sitting there in front of somebody that valued so much family. And, and it had wanted to have kids too, and all these things that, and it was very open since day one. So it was very like that was saying safe since day one. And it's something that I never experienced before in my life.

I never experienced feeling, this is, this is, this feels safe. This is definitely godly, before I tried meeting people that even called themselves Christian, but I didn't, I didn't feel that. So it was, it was beautiful to, to just experience God love just in that first date. And then I feel like that. [00:53:00] Let us to start planning a date after a couple weeks and of talking about marriage and our second date, third date, it was, it was crazy fast that , 

Wendell Jr: it's not, it's not the, the rule.

, you know, of course that that's not the thing that happens. Everybody's heard those stories, but for us, it, it really just clicked so many things clicked. And Amanda's saying we both really just felt like the person sitting across from us understood exactly what we were looking for. Uh, somebody to understand mm-hmm  even though there's differences, like we we've talked about the culture and, and things like that, but there are so many things that were the important things that matched up and, you know, and as we've grown together we've created our own culture, our hybrid culture, and it's, it's unique to us and it's, we love it.

[00:54:00] And it's what, we've what we have. Yeah. 

Amanda: And also as I hear you talking to one of the things, because the word that, that just mentioned safety, I think just applies to all that. It means to me family now in God safety I think it was important to me to be able to be vulnerable because I didn't grow up Christian.

I didn't have a Christian background and we kind of have part like totally extreme like LA different lives. And for me, it was important to meet somebody that it was gonna be open to love me and get to know me without, you know, judging maybe, or like closing himself just because of who I was. And, and, you know, for me, it was very important.

Being able to be vulnerable, that's another word, vulnerable. And, uh, and he allowed me to do that. And then since then he was so [00:55:00] open and receiving when I mentioned that I did reparation and all this stuff. So that for me too, was very impactful because he, that he didn't hesitate to give me a chance to get to know my heart, get to know me and, and that's why he are here.


Wendell: It's amazing. So beautiful. Yeah. and then you guys got married. Yep. And and then shortly after that, I mean, this is early COVID, so, you know, everything was very different early COVID mm-hmm  

Amanda: I think we got married the 23rd, first, the 21st, and then that week, everything was gonna close, like the third then.

Yeah. Or the 30th. So 

Wendell: you couldn't even take a honeymoon or anything. It was, yeah. So 

Amanda: I know that was part of your question. Yeah, in the beginning, definitely. It was challenging because I mean, first of all, [00:56:00] we move fast because we had conviction in our hearts, but also you have to translate that to your families.

And of course not everybody, like is gonna say, oh, you just measured. You're gonna get married. Good for you. Like, especially, you know, because there is like mom say expectations always, and I'm sure he, he has four sisters. I love him so much and had wanted the best for him too. So of course it was a process for, for me to connect with them, for them to see who I am to accept me and all that.

And also just in the beginning of their relationship, I was living like Mary, we moved to Titusville because when we got married is COVID. So it was moving from where my family was. And then all the changes of, you know, like all the changes to adapting to somebody else mm-hmm but also adding all the changes of epidemic mm-hmm right.

So, right. I feel like we skip the honeymoon stage and then we just went [00:57:00] straight. Okay, now this is what it is, right. And , we saw ourselves in anxious situation and being anxious, or be worried about what was gonna happen and all those stuff. But I think that was amazing in a way, and now we can see how God used it for good, because allow us to get to know each other and in all the, in all the different areas right.

Yeah. Stress out and, and being in need. And, and, and that was, that was powerful because that was a lot of growth, uh, as a couple. And also, I will say personally, too, it was a C of a lot of introspection for, for me as well for both of us. Mm-hmm  I think I learned a lot during the year and, and, and I think because of that, our, our relationship now is, is strong.

Wendell: Mm. Yeah, go ahead.

Wendell Jr: I was, yeah, I was just gonna say we, we, we got [00:58:00] a lot thrown at us at the beginning with, with, with COVID and just everything that came along with it. So we really had to take those things of practicing. Like, we need to settle down, we need to slow down. We need to think logically through this and kind of get that training under our belt early on, whereas that sometimes takes a little bit longer.

When you first get married and, oh, 

Amanda: I had a tumor that had to be removed as September. My grandpa passed away that October. So it was a year that we definitely never forget , but it was a year that made us really strong and they work in our character a lot

Wendell Jr:  Yeah, That was a rough year.

Wendell: And then, then Wendell got a new job. You guys moved over to Orlando. Yes. And so that was another, another matter. It's hard. Yeah. Uh, so you had that. [00:59:00] , and uh, finally COVID became a not quite the way it was when it first came about. Yeah. Learning a lot more about it. It wasn't. So, and then and then you got pregnant and, uh, had Mattias kind of at the tail end of, well, not really the tail end of COVID but you know, there was still that yeah.

Wendell Jr: Still some restrictions and 

Wendell: yeah. And just having to deal with that and, you know, making sure that, that he was gonna be okay. And mm-hmm, you not being able to get or not getting a shot and you actually got COVID. 

Wendell Jr: Yeah, that was, I think that was the most stressful time for us. 

Amanda: Yeah. That's probably been the most [01:00:00] scariest moment of my life because there was couple times that I got pnuemonia.

There was a couple times that I felt like it wasn't I was breath. I wasn't breathing well. Mm-hmm , and the baby, I couldn't feel it probably he was taking a nap. It was perfect, but at the moment, but we, if, if I felt something was going on, so yeah, definitely those two years there was, were full of lessons and, and challenges.

But there was 

Wendell Jr: one, there was one moment that was for us was like a very relying on God moment was when Amanda was alluding to, we had Mattias moved at certain times a day and he didn't move for a quite a long period of time. And we were rushed to the hospital and we're just freaking out, but trying to stay calm.

Right. Of course. And you can see this in his personality now, uh, as we're walking out of the parking garage to, to the emergency room, she starts [01:01:00] feeling him kick and they hooked her up and he is sitting there sucking his thumb, like, oh, Hey, the whole time, and they confirmed, oh, he's okay. He's he just maybe had an abnormal day of weight sleep periods.

So yeah. That's just a little snippet into what it was like. Yeah, yeah. 

Amanda: Yeah. Just thinking about it again, it's just it. Yeah. 

Wendell Jr: But, you guys,

Wendell: this is my thought anyway, mm-hmm you know, you guys didn't meet by chance. Yeah, you know, we've prayed for all our kids growing up still do and, and their future spouse and, and all of that, and God was at work and in Amanda, your life mm-hmm [01:02:00] even before you really realized it, I think, and then you ended up in Orlando from Colbia who, you know, who does that and 

Wendell Jr: you could have gone anywhere 

Wendell: and, and then you guys, then you guys meet.

And I really believe that God had his hand on you guys all along, and then since you guys met and now you're married, but without that, you have to, you have to almost feel like that wouldn't have been an impossible two and a half years for marriage. You know, but, but you guys are, are pretty grounded in, in your faith.

Yeah. Together too individually and together mm-hmm and, uh, we're just we love to watch our kids grow and, and [01:03:00] experience and, and mm-hmm and realize certain, you know, different things in life. Yeah. So, yeah, there were scary moments for us too. especially whenever Amanda's going to the hospital with COVID and stuff like that.

Wendell Jr: , but 

Wendell: we, we knew God had his hand on you guys especially someone who can come into our family and have an impact on me. Like you have Amanda. Yeah. 

Amanda: you already maybe cry a couple times here. I mean, hiding it so trying, 

Wendell: well, sorry about that, so moving forward you know, we talked about how you want to, you know, grow your family, how you, the culture you're trying to build and, [01:04:00] and making sure you have safe place, consistency came up from both of you.

And I think that's one of the. The, it shouldn't be a secret, but that is one of the secrets to, to marriage and success and, and raising a family, is that consistency because a lot of people just will give up. Yeah. And uh, consistency happens in the hard times that, you know, too, so mm-hmm , but all of that.

And I, and Amanda, I know you're very involved with counseling. Uh, you, you do that, uh, you, you, uh, have a remote counseling, particularly because you're counseling people kind of all around the world. Mm-hmm and you have the personality and you have the knowledge, you like, you, you mentioned earlier, you mm-hmm, [01:05:00] in Bogota, you you've got basic.

What, what essentially is a master's degree in that field and getting more and more busy. Yeah. Which is, which is a good thing. And and, uh, Wendell with a, a great job. And you guys are doing well, but what are, you know, as you move forward and you, you grow your family How do you see, or there are things in that, that in your future, at least what you think might be your future, that, uh, you see that you want to maybe change how you do things or, or maybe you've learned some things already and you about raising a family and being married that you want to kind of, uh, not change, but put, alter that a [01:06:00] little bit.

, anyway, where are you headed? Where are you guys headed with, with your journey other than, other than you don't know 

Wendell Jr: that, but you can start, 

Amanda: , I mean, definitely as you're mentioning mental health is something important to me, which I personally believe that everything is connected coming from your mental health, your physical health, everything affects everything.

And, and us now seeing that the spirituality is the center and God is your center has to be your center for having a meaningful life. Mm-hmm , I think for me, the fact. You, you, you have mentioned a lot of wisdom today, too. Like a lot of, eh, things that I, I, I care about. Like when you say when you were mentioning safety, I also thought mental health, because for me [01:07:00] safety means that you have a place where you can talk about your struggles, mental health struggles, your emotions, all these things that at least in colo, you don't grow up, listen to about.

And we never learn about how to deal with our spiritual. I mean, I went to a school with nuns. That's another kind and Catholic school, but nuns is the word that I'm sorry. Yeah, and it, it was simplicity. It was supposed to be there, but again, it wasn't something again in a deeper level. So for me, and all I know when, when it comes to about where I'm heading is I want to have, I want to make sure that there is a safe place, not only for my kids and, and the people around me, but also for other people.

, and for people that are in need, especially struggling with mental health or lack of faith or know, knowing Jesus. And [01:08:00] I needed that in a moment and they had people offer it to me. So I think it's, it's also my responsibility to extend that to other people. Mm-hmm , so that's part of my legacy is.

Making sure that people find a safe place for that grow in different areas of their life, starting with the spiritual life, but also mentally, physically in all the areas possible, of course, coming from Colombia, I see cases where people have nothing to eat. And I personally with my family had different seasons where my dad was okay.

Was able to provide for us and have everything never luxury or anything, but we had a really pretty good life, but also there was moments where there was a lot of debt and a lot of stress and maybe we have family members or ourselves that we didn't have a lot. So I think [01:09:00] I was able to see different aspects of safety too, like safety in your mind and your heart in different, in different areas.

And for me, that's, that's, that's huge, like just providing safety in all the areas for everybody. So 

Wendell Jr: good. That's good. Yeah. Yeah. I think, I think one thing that I've is important to me is the pastoral Uh figure per person in the home and building that spiritual understanding and, and, and that growth in the home, as well as what Amanda was saying that the safety and the safe place and the insulated rather than isolated.

, but yeah, just, uh, wanting to grow [01:10:00] disciples in a sense, and people and children who can think well and think for themselves. And yeah, they know where to have, they know the resources are, they, they, they know that they're loved and that they have a supportive family and that they, that, you know, we're gonna encourage them and support them in whatever they want to do and give them all the tools they can but also teach them how to work for it.

, I think that's one thing for me that I'm very thankful that I learned, uh, early on for my very first job when I was 15 and it was just hard work mm-hmm and had something, if you can learn early how to do that, it just, it makes things easier. Yeah. In, in not just your job. [01:11:00] In everything. Yeah. Working hard in school, working hard in your faith and your relationships for your family and all that is is, is it makes things easier.

Amanda: Yeah. I'm not sure it will respond to your question. I think no, you ask me where we heading, heading and no, I 

Wendell Jr: think, 

Wendell: yeah, I think, well, if you want to say more, that'd be great. But, but no, I that's. Exactly. I think you answered exactly what I was asking. Yeah. Mm-hmm , absolutely. 

Wendell Jr: Yeah. 

Amanda: Yeah. Because professionally like where we're heading well as a family, we definitely want to keep growing.

And in growing number of people, you want to have more kids for sure. Yes. Yes. At least one. And conversation in this house. Right, and [01:12:00] professionally, I know, definitely. I love working with people, working with the counseling. It's important to me. I feel like it's more, I'm going, getting to learn about Christianity too.

I want to integrate that type of counseling specifically and, and do certain things like that, I don't know, professionally, if there is something that you, you want to add about. Where you're heading, but I think we both are just exploring different opportunities and ideas. Yeah. And yeah, 

Wendell Jr: I think one, one thing that does has come up for us is we want to have the opportunity to travel with our, with our children well, in future children and future child now.

, but to have that opportunity to, uh, take Mattias for not just like a long weekend or a week to Colombia, but maybe few weeks or a month where he can you get past that two week stage of, of you're just [01:13:00] visiting. Right. Uh, so professionally I don't, we don't know, you know, obviously specifically what that looks like, but that's kind, that's what we're working towards is, is, is that kind of, uh, life that's more experienced based rather than material based.

Yeah. Yeah. 

Wendell: , and you've got, you've got a great job and, and Amanda is, is really, really good at, at counseling. But the thing I, I like about how you guys approach that is you approach it from the standpoint of what's good for my family. Mm-hmm not just, oh, you know, what's good for me. Right. But what's good for the family.

And you've always, you, you all seem to have always tried to keep that mm-hmm  uh, at the center of your decision, yeah. And, you know, in everything, but also your, your occupations. And [01:14:00] so that's 

Wendell Jr: good. Yeah. 

Amanda: Thank you. Yeah. Family is definitely important for us and something that he has been discovering is what family means to me too, because I have a lot of send the family that also are very close

Yeah. Like aunts and cousins that I love, like sisters and people that he's coming to get close as well. And, and, and yeah, for us, definitely, it's always important to have our family close enough. And and yeah, that's definitely something that, that we like to invest our time in just spending time with quality time with our families every weekend and right.

And we want to make sure that Matthew has the same thing in our kids have the same thing and just have quality moments with their cousins family and just, yeah. Give always priority to family, even though the concept of [01:15:00] family, uh, for a person like me, that in a, in, in certain areas, it was a little hurt before it's, it's now taking more strength knowing that God is center, right?

Yeah. That was definitely it's good. Good idea. Yeah. Yeah. 

Tracy: Well, I think Amanda kind of already touched on this. We talked about legacy. So a question we like to ask is what do you, and you can answer this individually, but what do you want your legacy to be

Amanda: your time? 

Wendell Jr: , I think for me the legacy that like, you mean specifically for, for, for me or just for the, the family legacy for could be for both. Okay. Yeah. [01:16:00] Yeah. I think for the legacy I want to leave, at least for my children is that they were loved and that we were accepted and that they're deeply loved by God.

And that family is, is very, very important. And, and, and is there, and that's kind of what we've been, you know, we've said throughout since we've been talking and, and also just what we've talked about in our own lives, those are kind of very, those are the main areas is the family, the spiritual and the support and the safety we want for our children.

Mm. And they're going that the world's gonna be the world's gonna do at staying right. Want to make sure we do what we do we need to do for our children. Mm-hmm [01:17:00]

Amanda: that's good. Yeah, I think it, I mean, you have mentioned basically what I think as well, and it's making sure that our kids and, and the, the legacy is always centering with the family in knowing that family it's something that, I mean, for example, in Colombia, one of the common sense is family is everything right?

And I know sometimes that concept can be confusing or hurt for some people because his family is a place where I don't feel safe or that I wasn't protected, or there was, there was a lot of trauma around and not only with parents, but in general, they're not all the families are safe. Unfortunately. So for me, it's putting the family as a center, but also making sure that the family has the tools and the, the.

It's always centered in God's word and, and, and [01:18:00] loving others. For me, it's really important. The relational part, as you have may notice and making sure that my kids now, how to love well and accept other people and, and recognize that they may be totally different and, and still can love be loved by them.

And that's, that's huge for me and, and definitely making sure that people have the tools to define well, what ma what a family should look like and how they can create a health environment for their children. That's 

Wendell Jr: so good. Yeah. I love that. 

Wendell: Yeah, definitely. Well, 

Tracy: y'all made a great start 

Wendell: that's for sure.

Yeah, yeah. Really proud of you guys. Yeah. You so much, you know, we love you. 

Amanda: definitely. And you always find a way to make me cry for sure. 

Wendell: We're excited to see your journey as [01:19:00] it unfolds. Yeah. And see the moments that you create. And we're excited about being in some of those moments with you all and with the kids.

Mm-hmm , so they don't ever forget us as they grow up and being their own families and, and all of that. So. 

Wendell Jr: , and carry the legacy on. 

Wendell: Yeah. 

Amanda: We're happy to be part of that. Yeah, 

Wendell Jr: for sure.

Wendell: We're glad that you are . definitely. Well, thank you guys for spending some time with us, and this was really good. Some, some, uh, insightful words.

Yeah. And some encouragement from you all, and we're excited about, uh, talking to you again sometime in the future. Well, thanks so much, but we'll talk to you[01:20:00]

off the 

Wendell Jr: camera. Yeah. 

Amanda: Yeah. So we're happy to share this space with you guys. And as you know, and I have mentioned before, I think it's beautiful to see how God is, is a God that provides and, and gives you sometimes what you didn't have before or compliments what you have already. And, uh, I have an amazing dad that I love for who he is and with everything that he have experienced and all that, but also and a mom, but getting to know you guys and everything has been beautiful because he have amplify my, my heart in a way and, and give me the opportunities to love differently too.

Mm-hmm . And feel safe and love as well. So you are always been so welcoming and everything that sharing this type of spaces too, and experiences is just amazing to me and to us. 

Wendell Jr: Yeah. 

Wendell: [01:21:00] Well, we feel the same way about you. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Thank 

Wendell Jr: you so much. So glad you're part of the family. Thank you.

and you too Wendel, say there on a choice. 

Wendell: you're gonna, you're gonna find out over the years, you're just, you're just the dad, the husband, the wife, who actually is one who everybody looks to for, for, you know, wisdom and 

Wendell Jr: yeah. Every, every day that passes. I, I understand you a little bit more I have a little bit more insight and it's, it's interesting.

Wendell: Yeah. I say that, but you know that as fathers and husbands, we we've got a ne never ending job that we, that we enjoy. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's good to, to see how you take care of your [01:22:00]family. Very supporting. So yeah. Thank you guys for spend time with us, this is really kind of a unique topic, particularly about the cultures mm-hmm so we appreciate you talking to us about that and.

And, uh, again, we'll hope we hope to have you back sometime soon and give us some updates. Perfect. 

Amanda: Thank you so much. Have a wonderful evening. 

Wendell Jr: Thanks, you too. We love you guys. Love you guys. Love you too,